Val d'Orcia

Gentle hills and breathtaking skies

Gentle rolling hills and breathtaking sky

The Val d'Orcia is characterized by gentle rolling hills planted with vineyards and crops, broken up by the occasional badlands, as well as picturesque hilltop towns. The towns include: Pienza which was built in the 15th century as the ideal city under the patronage of Pope Pius II, Radicofani which is the birthplace of the famous military hero Ghino di Tacco, and of course Montalcino which is home to Brunello, one of the most prestigious Italian wines and classified as the best wine in the world in 2007 by Wine Spectator magazine. This landscape is very familiar to us because of its representation in so many works of art, from Renaissance paintings to modern photography.

In 2004 the Val d’Orcia (Orcia Valley) was added to the list of UNESCO world heritage sites.


Sun 15, Sep

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